Inclusive education for ALL students means we are ALL IN.

All In is on the road across America working with schools to create bright futures for students with disabilities—through inclusive education.

What’s happening at ALL IN?

Student working on an assignment in a classroom.

We partner with schools to make inclusive education happen—authentically.

Inclusive education is the grounds for creating an equitable, socially just democratic society. Our organization works with schools to create learning communities where all students with and without disabilities are supported and feel like they belong.

Here’s where the U.S. stands in inclusive education:



More than 6.3 million students ages 6 to 21 are served under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act in the United States (IDEA), Part B.


Over 64% of students ages 6 to 21 who are served under IDEA, Part B, spend 80% or more of the day in general education classrooms, but 36% are still not fully included.

placed out of district

More than 170,000 students ages 6 to 21 served under IDEA, Part B, do not attend their neighborhood schools in the United States. Instead, they are sent out of their districts to separate schools for students with disabilities.

Source: U.S. Department of Education, 42nd Annual Report to Congress on the Implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 2020 

Here’s how we make inclusive education happen:

For Schools and Educators

All In for Inclusive Education works with school districts across the United States to provide professional development training as well as consultation and coaching services to educators and administrators. Our programs are fully customized to support your staff and your school district's needs.

Father washing hands at a kitchen sink with his daughter.

For Parents

Parents are their children's first and more important teachers. All In for Inclusive Education is dedicated to providing resources to parents and connecting them with our partners to ensure they have the tools they need to partner in their child's successful educational journey.

We’re building sustainable inclusive communities through our core values.



Empowering stakeholders through sharing knowledge, resources, and best practices.

Balanced scale


Bringing honesty, professionalism, and the highest ethical standards to our work.

Hands shaking


Communicating effectively and using team-based approaches to identify barriers and problem solve.

Person with four stars surrounding them.


Designing and delivering high-quality supports and services through our varied knowledge and continued learning.

Are you ALL IN?